Katahdin are a medium-sized hair sheep known for great mothering instincts and excellent parasite resistance, especially in comparison to most large breeds. They do not require sheering, crutching, or tail docking. Our sheep flock is currently comprised of all commercial, not registered, ewes and our ram is registered as 100% Katahdin. We are currently on our third generation on some of our herd, and second generation on others. With pasture performance as the #1 priority, our foundation flock was carefully selected from two farms with similar standards and practices that match ours. We require our sheep to perform on grass and hay year 'round (no grain inputs); they live, graze, breed, and lamb on pasture. We submitted blood samples of every ewe in our foundation flock for bio-security (OPP, CL, Johne's, and Q-fever) panel testing and received negative results across the board.